Looking for something fun to do this weekend and are a huge fan of bricks or LEGOs? Check out BrickFair at the Dulles Expo in Chantilly, VA on August 1st and 2nd. We went last year and had a pretty good time.
This week is the Loudoun County fair. Growing up we would go to county fairs and always had a good time. I'm always wanting Michael to experience all the fun stuff that we did as kids.
This past weekend we ended up spending some family time and didn't get around to doing the grocery shopping until today, Monday. Here's what I came up with for our dinner meal plan this week:
image source.
Our forth day of our Walt Disney World vacation back in December was spent at Animal Kingdom. If you love animals, than this is the place for you. It's like a big zoo with some amusement rides added in.
Our forth day of our Walt Disney World vacation back in December was spent at Animal Kingdom. If you love animals, than this is the place for you. It's like a big zoo with some amusement rides added in.
In creating our kitchen command center, which is almost complete, I never really imagined having a cork board in it. It just so happened that I purchased the wrong size frame and so Jon and I decided to make it into a cork board.
Since Michael was at vacation bible school at our church on Saturday morning, Jon and I decided that we would just get our grocery shopping out of the way. We actually did our meal planning at Walmart, I wouldn't suggest doing that though. Here's what we came up with for dinners during the week:
Product Review and a Special Offer for You!
Seems that the new big thing are monthly subscriptions that come to your door in a box. Every time I'm on Facebook, there seems to be some new box subscription that's recommended to me. If you're like me, you want to make sure that it's really worth that monthly payment. I'm excited to say, that Bookroo really is worth it!
Back in mid-June, we went to a pretty awesome, one-of-a-kind mini-golf course here in Northern Virginia. You've never played mini-golf until you've gone to Perils of the Lost Jungle at Woody's Golf Range in Herndon, VA.
If you're like me, you probably have your kid's school art work just piled up laying around your house just trying to figure out what to do with it. You don't want to throw it away because it's your child's masterpiece, but it's also taking up a space. So, what do you do then?
We are finally back to some normalcy in our household. That means back to meal planning and grocery/household budget. Here's what I have planned for dinners this week:
A few years ago we decided to take our vacation during the 4th of July holiday. My in-laws had purchased a trailer in Rehoboth Beach, DE earlier that year and we took them up on their offer of letting us use their trailer.
The summer before we had Michael, we decided to do something different for 4th of July. It had been many years since my mom and I had gone to Mount Vernon and Jon had never been. What's a better way to celebrate the birth of our great nation than by visiting one of our Founding Father and 1st Commander in Chief's home, George Washington?

I'm a stay-at-home mom in the DC Metro Area who is always looking for new and exciting things to do with the family without breaking the bank. I write about kids, meal planning, DIY, crafts, holidays, recipes, and good old family fun. Follow me on this journey called life!
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Blog Archive
- BrickFair in Chantilly, VA
- Loudoun County, VA Fair
- It's been awhile since we've gone over budget - Me...
- Animal Kingdom 2014
- Creating your own cork board
- Lots of household items needed this week - Meal Pl...
- Have you heard of bookroo?
- Family Fun Mini-Golf
- Preserving your kid's art work from school
- Back to some normalcy - Meal Plans and Grocery Tri...
- DIY Octonauts wall art
- An Octonauts big boy bedroom
- 4th of July vacation at Rehoboth Beach, DE
- Visiting George Washington's Mount Vernon on the 4...