A Wonderful Way to Give

Two months ago I got my hair completely hacked off.  I have really thick hair and when it gets as long as it did (not being cut in about a year), it becomes its own heater and really heavy.  With it being the middle of the summer, I just wanted something that was cooler and easier to maintain.

Another big reason for cutting so much off is that I wanted to help children who are going through a difficult time in their lives.  I got a minimum of 10 inches cut off so that I could donate it to a very special organization, Locks of Love.

Locks of Love helps children in the US and Canada who are in need of hair pieces due to long-term medical hair loss.  Who wouldn't want to do this?  I mean, you're already cutting your hair - why not give it to someone who could use it?  The minimum amount of hair that they will take is 10 inches.  I'm sure that the amount of hair that I send in will probably help out at least two kids, if not more.

I turned in a ponytail about four years ago and received a nice card back from them thanking me for donating.  So, next time you're thinking about getting a lot cut off, why not donate it?  It's simple.  Just let your stylist know that you are planning on donating to Locks of Love.  They'll know what to do.  Once you get home, you need to go online to their website (http://locksoflove.org/) and fill out the Hair Donation Form to send with your ponytail. If you like what you just read please click to send a quick vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- The best mommy blog directory featuring top mom bloggers
