Operation Christmas Child 2015 - packing a 10-14 year old boy box
I was really debating on doing Operation Christmas Child this year just because of our money situation. Plus now that Michael is in school there's more spending with their Christmas project and different fundraisers. I decided that since this was a wonderful organization, I had to at least do one box this year. I chose to pack a box for the least packed group of kids, the 10 - 14 year old boys. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, just the boxes aren't exactly big enough to hold all of the items.
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If you need some ideas of things to pack in your boxes, I've created an Operation Christmas Child box ideas board on Pinterest. I'm always pinning new ideas that I see to this board so come back to it frequently for new ideas!
Follow Lucy's board OCC Box Ideas on Pinterest.

For this year's box I did my shopping mostly at the dollar store with some items from Walmart, Toys R Us, and Big Lots. I also had some items that were bought from previous years and wouldn't fit in the boxes. Here's a list of everything in the above picture:

I also had bought candy, but after filling the box up there was no room for a bag of candy. First thing I bet you've been wondering is how in the world did she fit that soccer ball in that box? I did a Google search and read a few things about how to deflate the ball as well as watched a few videos on YouTube.
Since I bought an air pump, I took the needle out and ran it under water to moisten it. Then I put the needle in the hole that you would put it in to pump up the ball. You then just squeeze the ball and air will start coming out through the needle.
This is as flat as I could get it. Everything I read was to tap the needle to the ball for inflating purposes, but there was a place to hold the needle in the pump so I put it there. Let me tell you, it was not easy to get what I got in the box with this soccer ball, even deflated!
This picture was taken with last year's boxes.
One of the ways I've found to be able to fit as much stuff in the boxes is by taking things out of their packaging. This plastic container was originally a Crystal Light container. For the box this year, I put the box of crayons, mini-markers, pencil gripper, erasers, and pencil sharpeners with room to spare in this container. It's a great way for the kids to hold a good bit of their school supplies in.
Here's the package completely filled with lots of goodies for some teenage boy to enjoy.
This is what I wasn't able to fit in. I was really wanting to fit those safety glasses in there, but just wouldn't fit. Have you filled a box for a 10-14 year old boy before? If so, what items have you packed?
You still have time to pack your own box. National collections are November 16th - 23rd. To get labels or find a drop-off location, click here. Don't forget to share a picture of you or your kids with your boxes on social media using #ipackedashoebox. If you want to hear some wonderful stories about those who've received boxes in past, following Operation Christmas Child on Facebook. They are always sharing heartwarming stores about those who've received or are packing.
Update - November 3, 2017
Starting this year, the following items should NOT be packed in the OCC boxes: Candy; toothpaste; used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the links and purchase something, I'll receive compensation at no additional cost to you.
If you need some ideas of things to pack in your boxes, I've created an Operation Christmas Child box ideas board on Pinterest. I'm always pinning new ideas that I see to this board so come back to it frequently for new ideas!
For this year's box I did my shopping mostly at the dollar store with some items from Walmart, Toys R Us, and Big Lots. I also had some items that were bought from previous years and wouldn't fit in the boxes. Here's a list of everything in the above picture:
- soccer ball
- pencils
- pencil gripper
- erases
- combs
- silly puddy
- tote bag
- paint kit
- small basketball and hoop
- 2 tooth brushes
- a travel dental bag with tooth paste, tooth brush, and tooth brush cover
- solar power calculator
- a to-go puzzle
- sissors
- 2 pencil sharpeners
- wood shop in a bag
- air pump
- crayons
- mini markers
- tooth brush covers
- travel size deodorant
- tooth paste
- washcloth
- Ivory soap
- soap holder
- measuring tape
- bag of marbles
- safety glasses
- slinky jr
- 2 Happy Meal toys that Michael already had
- jaxes
- screwdriver set
- travel pack of tissues
- plastic spoon and knife (not pictured)
I also had bought candy, but after filling the box up there was no room for a bag of candy. First thing I bet you've been wondering is how in the world did she fit that soccer ball in that box? I did a Google search and read a few things about how to deflate the ball as well as watched a few videos on YouTube.
Since I bought an air pump, I took the needle out and ran it under water to moisten it. Then I put the needle in the hole that you would put it in to pump up the ball. You then just squeeze the ball and air will start coming out through the needle.
This is as flat as I could get it. Everything I read was to tap the needle to the ball for inflating purposes, but there was a place to hold the needle in the pump so I put it there. Let me tell you, it was not easy to get what I got in the box with this soccer ball, even deflated!
One of the ways I've found to be able to fit as much stuff in the boxes is by taking things out of their packaging. This plastic container was originally a Crystal Light container. For the box this year, I put the box of crayons, mini-markers, pencil gripper, erasers, and pencil sharpeners with room to spare in this container. It's a great way for the kids to hold a good bit of their school supplies in.
Here's the package completely filled with lots of goodies for some teenage boy to enjoy.
This is what I wasn't able to fit in. I was really wanting to fit those safety glasses in there, but just wouldn't fit. Have you filled a box for a 10-14 year old boy before? If so, what items have you packed?
You still have time to pack your own box. National collections are November 16th - 23rd. To get labels or find a drop-off location, click here. Don't forget to share a picture of you or your kids with your boxes on social media using #ipackedashoebox. If you want to hear some wonderful stories about those who've received boxes in past, following Operation Christmas Child on Facebook. They are always sharing heartwarming stores about those who've received or are packing.